## Lorax template to configure Anaconda to: ## 1) Use the repository we embedded in the ISO ## 2) Work around https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1193590 ## 3) Tell anaconda to leave the firewall set up as it was in the ostree ## Args: ## - ostree_osname - the name of the os/name of remote ## - ostree_install_repo- the url of the remote during ISO creation ## - ostree_update_repo - the url of the remote for updates of an installed system ## - ostree_install_ref - the ref to use when creating the ISO ## - ostree_update_ref - the ref to use for updates of an installed system ## - ostree_contenturl - the url to use for fetching content from mirrors/CDN <%page args="ostree_osname, ostree_install_repo, ostree_update_repo, ostree_install_ref, ostree_update_ref, ostree_oskey"/> append usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks "ostreesetup --nogpg --osname=${ostree_osname} --remote=${ostree_osname} --url=file:///ostree/repo --ref=${ostree_update_ref}" append usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks "firewall --use-system-defaults" append usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks "%post --erroronfail" %if ostree_osname != "fedora": append usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks "rm -f /etc/ostree/remotes.d/${ostree_osname}.conf" append usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks "ostree remote add --set=gpg-verify=true --set=gpgkeypath=/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ --set=contenturl=${ostree_contenturl} ${ostree_osname} '${ostree_update_repo}'" %endif append usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks "cp /etc/skel/.bash* /root" append usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks "%end"