ref: fedora/39/${basearch}/ostree-base automatic_version_prefix: "39" mutate-os-release: "39" # Default to `bash` in our container, the same as other containers we ship. container-cmd: - /usr/bin/bash include: fedora-common-ostree-pkgs.yaml # See # TODO: Disabled until we use use unified-core or native container flow # for the main build # arch-include: # x86_64: bootupd.yaml # aarch64: bootupd.yaml packages: # Do not include "full" Git as it brings in Perl - git-core # Explicitely add Git docs - git-core-doc - lvm2 - rpm-ostree # Required for compatibility with old bootloaders until we have bootupd # See - ostree-grub2 # Container management - buildah - podman - skopeo - toolbox # Provides terminal tools like clear, reset, tput, and tset - ncurses # Flatpak support - flatpak - xdg-desktop-portal # HFS filesystem tools for Apple hardware # See - hfsplus-tools # Contains default ostree remote config to be used on client's # system for fetching ostree update - fedora-repos-ostree # the archive repo for more reliable package layering # - fedora-repos-archive selinux: true documentation: true boot-location: modules etc-group-members: - wheel tmp-is-dir: true ignore-removed-users: - root ignore-removed-groups: - root check-passwd: type: file filename: passwd check-groups: type: file filename: group default_target: packages-aarch64: - grub2-efi - efibootmgr - shim packages-ppc64le: - grub2 packages-x86_64: - grub2-efi-ia32 - grub2-efi-x64 - grub2-pc - efibootmgr - shim-ia32 - shim-x64 # Make sure the following are not pulled in when Recommended by other packages exclude-packages: - PackageKit # We can not include openh264. See - gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 - mozilla-openh264 - openh264 # Always exclude dnf when pulled in as a dependency - dnf - dnf-data - dnf-plugins-core - dnf5 - dnf5-plugins postprocess: - | #!/usr/bin/env bash set -xeuo pipefail # Work around # From install -dm0755 /usr/lib/systemd/journald.conf.d/ echo -e "[Journal]\nStorage=persistent" > /usr/lib/systemd/journald.conf.d/10-persistent.conf # See: # Basically that program handles deleting old shared library directories # mid-transaction, which never applies to rpm-ostree. This is structured as a # loop/glob to avoid hardcoding (or trying to match) the architecture. for x in /usr/sbin/glibc_post_upgrade.*; do if test -f ${x}; then ln -srf /usr/bin/true ${x} fi done # Remove loader directory causing issues in Anaconda in unified core mode # Will be obsolete once we start using bootupd rm -rf /usr/lib/ostree-boot/loader # Undo RPM scripts enabling units; we want the presets to be canonical # rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/* systemctl preset-all rm -rf /etc/systemd/user/* systemctl --user --global preset-all # Workaround for systemctl enable postprocess-script: ""