--- document: modulemd version: 2 data: summary: Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 4.0/JSP 2.3 API description: >- Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process. license: module: - MIT dependencies: - buildrequires: platform: [] requires: platform: [] javapackages-tools: [] api: rpms: - tomcat - tomcat-el-3.0-api - tomcat-jsp-2.3-api - tomcat-lib - tomcat-servlet-4.0-api profiles: default: description: A minimal tomcat installation. rpms: - tomcat - tomcat-el-3.0-api - tomcat-jsp-2.3-api - tomcat-lib - tomcat-servlet-4.0-api components: rpms: ecj: rationale: Required for building JSPs at Runtime. ref: master tomcat: rationale: Provides core server functionality. ref: master