document: modulemd version: 1 data: name: python3-bootstrap stream: master version: 20180313152445 context: e37eac76 summary: Bootstrapping module for the Python programming language, version 3 description: 'Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java. Python includes modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types and dynamic typing. Python supports interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various windowing systems (X11, Motif, Tk, Mac and MFC). Programmers can write new built-in modules for Python in C or C++. Python can be used as an extension language for applications that need a programmable interface.' license: module: - MIT dependencies: buildrequires: perl: '5.26' platform: f28 requires: platform: f28 references: community: documentation: tracker: xmd: mbs: buildrequires: perl: filtered_rpms: [] ref: 42426ad8da41d39f22763ee6386c038ce7768f18 stream: '5.26' version: '20180307133151' platform: filtered_rpms: [] ref: virtual stream: f28 version: '4' commit: 4bc4270152e3cc374f6c714a4afb8ac75ab6498b requires: platform: filtered_rpms: [] ref: virtual stream: f28 version: '4' rpms: python-pip: ref: 2611854c44a4107a87b28b70a16f6a31da218a70 python-rpm-generators: ref: 5aa670bb3967c0e12163722fd274549ca0187ba6 python-rpm-macros: ref: 9f912209e5009a70056cdf9d902038a16a595e74 python-setuptools: ref: 7a296016bcae980ce0fdd7c8d88ec42efa264a45 python3: ref: 6b9e1d1d7ab03dcd54b53bce53c59ffc368ee9c9 scmurl: profiles: default: rpms: - python3 - python3-libs - python3-pip - python3-setuptools - python3-tools full: rpms: - python3 - python3-debug - python3-devel - python3-libs - python3-pip - python3-setuptools - python3-tools minimal: rpms: - python3 - python3-libs - python3-pip - python3-setuptools api: rpms: - python3 - python3-debug - python3-devel - python3-libs - python3-pip - python3-setuptools - python3-tools filter: rpms: - python2-rpm-macros - python3-tkinter buildopts: rpms: macros: '# python3 %_without_rewheel 1 # setuptools & pip & python-rpm-generators %_with_bootstrap 1 # setuptools & pip %_without_python2 1 # setuptools %_without_platform_python 1 # Tests for setuptools need pip, which is unavailable # during bootstrapping. # Note that this disables tests for python3 and other # packages as well however. %_without_tests 1 ' components: rpms: python-rpm-generators: rationale: Runtime dependency of python3-devel repository: git:// ref: master cache: python-pip: rationale: Python Packaging ecosystem buildorder: 30 repository: git:// ref: master cache: python-setuptools: rationale: Python Packaging ecosystem buildorder: 20 repository: git:// ref: master cache: python-rpm-macros: rationale: Build and runtime dependency of python3-devel repository: git:// ref: master cache: python3: rationale: Main Python language interpreter buildorder: 10 repository: git:// ref: master cache: